Monday, November 23, 2009

Ground Zero

Last Sunday I attended a Craig Harper workshop called Renovate Your Body. It was a truly awesome and thought-provoking session and I got so much out of it that I almost cannot put it into words. It sounds corny and simplistic to say that it was possibly life-changing, but that is honestly how I feel right now. It has, I believe, given me a new way of thinking about this weight loss journey that I seem to have been on forever and a day without ever reaching my goals, and perhaps that's the point. I think the reason I haven't managed to complete the job is because my thinking HAS been faulty. Well, no more. Now I know a more helpful and productive way to think. Of course, this doesn't mean now the weight is going to melt off me and I'm "cured" forever. ;) Oh, no, far from it! Now the hard work starts. Now is the time to set goals, realise what is going to be non-negotiable for me in the future and do what it takes to live an "exceptional" life. Another thing I learnt on the weekend is that "exceptional" doesn't need to be a word which, if you apply it to yourself, sort of sounds like major big-noting or egotism. What I want it to mean for me is "uncommon" and "being the exception". Because being "normal", or trying to be, has got me precisely nowhere. I now know if you want to get the results, you have to do what others aren't prepared to do or don't want to do. I want to be one of those who IS prepared and is OK about it, and doesn't feel like their life is lacking because they can't eat Macca's whenever they feel like it and they can't go out and get pissed every weekend. That is the exception I want to be, and in that kind of "exceptional", I know, lies freedom from the never-ending hamster-in-a-wheel merry-go-round yo-yo journey I've been on, let's face it, since I was five!

So...I'm excited! Let's do this! :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Does this mean I can buy you the "Suck It Up Princess" T-shirt now ?

  3. Go Deb! Time to Kick some bum! :)

  4. Linda, yes, you could, except I'm gonna have to shrink a bit cos they only go up to XL!

  5. Annie, indeed, it is! My arse has been doing too much spreading lately and needs to be kicked. How is married life? :)
